Producer Consumer generic
Generic version of the Producer Consumer framework
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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 oCConsumer< T >Consumer in a Producer-Consumer framework
 oCIElementFactory< out T >Factory producing objects of type T
 oCMiddleMan< T >MiddleMan in a Producer-Consumer framework The MiddleMan takes and element from one buffer and add the element to another buffer
 oCMiddleMan2< TIn, TOut >MiddleMan in a Producer-Consumer framework The MiddleMan takes and element from one buffer and add the element to another buffer
 oCProducer< T >Producer in a Producer-Consumer framework
 oCProgramSome private static methods to try the different configuration of Producer, Consumer and MiddleMan
 \CStringFactoryFactory producing String objects.
Uses singleton design pattern