Producer Consumer generic
Generic version of the Producer Consumer framework
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Package ProducerConsumerGeneric


class  Consumer< T >
 Consumer in a Producer-Consumer framework More...
interface  IElementFactory< out T >
 Factory producing objects of type T More...
class  MiddleMan< T >
 MiddleMan in a Producer-Consumer framework The MiddleMan takes and element from one buffer and add the element to another buffer More...
class  MiddleMan2< TIn, TOut >
 MiddleMan in a Producer-Consumer framework The MiddleMan takes and element from one buffer and add the element to another buffer More...
class  Producer< T >
 Producer in a Producer-Consumer framework More...
class  Program
 Some private static methods to try the different configuration of Producer, Consumer and MiddleMan More...
class  StringFactory
 Factory producing String objects.
Uses singleton design pattern More...