Internship, Computer Science (Datamatiker)
A few guide lines for your internship
- Read the curriculum
Section 3 Internship, page 11
Exam: Section 8.1.6, page 12-13
(DK): Afsnit 3 Praktik, side 11 + afsnit 8.1.6 Praktikprøven, side 12-13
- Read content description | indholds-beskrivelse (Danish)
- Read How
to write a good internship report
- Example reports
Artifacts for your internship report
- Learning objectives:
- What you expected/intended to learn
- Programming + human (working with colleagues, customers, end users etc.)
- Which systems development method(s) is used by the company?
- Maybe they do not use a methods you know from the literature - maybe the methods does not even have a name.
- Which tools are used by the company?
- Operating systems, programming languages, IDEs, database management systems, version control, build servers,
- A few screen shot of user interfaces of software you produced or used.
- A few photos of relevant diagrams
If you have used a white board take photos from time to time.
- Reflections on your learning objectives: Did you learn what you expected / intended to learn? Why / why not?
What else did you learn?
- Statement from your company about you and the work you did (this is an appendix to the report)
- You project log/ diary (this is an appendix to the report)