Assignment: Distributed password cracking - the brute force way
This interdisciplinary project covers the following subjects and key points
from the curriculum:
- The student can apply experiments systematically to
investigate the technological possibilities and limitations
- Reviews
- Architectures
- Project management
- Quality management
- Testing
- Unit testing
- Exception handling
- Program documentation
- Logging
- Concurrency: Task etc.
- Software architecture
- Network protocols
- Network programming with sockets
- Web services
In this assignment you are going to program a distributed application to
crack passwords! Using more cores or computers should make the program run faster.
The goal is to get a large speed-up: That is to see how much faster you can make the program run, compared to the centralized (non-distributed) version of the program.
The general idea is that you have a password file with (username, encrypted
password). The encryption algorithm has no known decryption algorithm.
You also have a large dictionary (list of words) that users might have used
as passwords. You must encrypt all the words in the dictionary and compare the
encrypted word to the encrypted passwords from the password file. If you have a
match, you have found a password, now in clear text.
Some users might not use an exact word from the dictionary, but may have made
some kind of change to the words (transformations), like
- Starting with a capital letter
- All capital letters
- Any arbitrary number of capital letter of the beginning of the word
- Adding 1 or 2 digits to the beginning of the word
- Adding 1 or 2 digits to the end of the word
- any combination of the above.
Here are given some examples of the changes from above:
- secret
- Secret
- SECret
- 5secret
- secret3
- Secret123
As can be seen from this list many users chose passwords which
are more or less takes from a dictionary.
In this assignment the general idea must be implemented using a number of
distributed architectures.
Each architecture can be implemented using threads (useful if the computer
has more than one CPU) and by using processes with socket for communication.
Master/slave (data parallelism)
The master holds the dictionary. Each slave gets a part of the dictionary.
Pipeline (task parallelism)
- First task in pipeline reads from the dictionary file and sends the
words on to the next process.
- Next task make a list of all changes of the dictionary word (the
different transformations)
- Next task encrypts the all words.
- Next task compares the encrypted word to the encrypted passwords from
the password file.
- Last task writes the cracked user's username + password to the screen
(or to a file)
A number of different architectures
- Master / Slave where the master and the slaves are running in separated thread. They can use shared memory.
- Master / Slave where the master and the slaves are running in separated processes, e.g. on different computers communicating over TCP sockets.
This comes in two variations:
- The master is the server. The slaves are clients.
- The master is a client. The slaves are servers.
- Pipeline where each "process" is running in a separate thread. The share memory
- Master / Slave with web services.
Single computer / Threads |
Multi-computer / Sockets |
Web services |
Pipeline |
Not available |
Not available |
Master / slaves |
- The master is the server.
The slaves are clients.
- The master is a client.
The slaves are servers.
Group work
The assignment must be done in groups. Teachers have formed the groups and
review groups.
Each group must make an experiment of one main architecture. Teachers
have decided
which architecture each group have to experimented with. Depending on the groups
motivation and time they can chose a supplementary architecture to implement
after the main architecture has been finished.
The groups are as follow:
Group |
Group members |
Main architecture |
Group A |
Ionut Vieru,
Kevin Adeya,
Nikola Conkova, Prawesh Bogati, Veselin Ivanov |
Architecture 3: Pipeline, threads |
Group B |
Bjørn Pedersen,
Bogdan Dorojan, Constantino Marullo, Daniela Popescu,
Xinyu Tao |
Architecture 1: Master/slaves, threads |
Group C |
Jacek Kizinski,
Lukas Cech, Mads Quist,
Mihai Constantin,
Oliver Riborg |
Architecture 2a: Master/slaves, sockets. Master is the server. |
Group D |
Filip Germanek, Frederik Borgbjerg, Ivan Serafimov,
Mass Sallah, Roshan Shresta |
Architecture 2b: Master/slaves, sockets. Master is the client. |
Group E |
Aurimas Lapinskas, Ciprian Trifescu,
Morten Olsen,
Philipo Molel, Zsofia Toth |
Architecture 4: Master/slaves, web services. |
Each group are going to present their solution and reflection over the
experiment for the whole class, whereby we can have a general discussion of the
four different architectures.
Review groups
- Group A must review the work of group B
- Group B must review the work of group C
- Group C must review the work of group D
- Group D must review the work of group E
- Group E must review the work of group A
Technical requirements
- The assignment must be programmed in Visual Studio using C#
- The source code must be kept on GitHub
In this assignment you will experiment with different architectures to solve
a known problem (cracking passwords, the brute force way).
Your assignment must be implemented and described according to "Scientific
- The question
- The hypothesis
- The experiment
Requirements to the experiment
- You must produce a project plan including baselines for the two week
project period.
- The program must be documented using Doxygen
- You must develop and describe a test-plan
- The program must be tested using MSTest. Check that your tests have a good Code Coverage
- The interfaces between the different processes (what do you sent over
the socket)
OR threads (which parameters do you have) must be documented
- The experiment must include time metrics, and
at least one other metric.
- The experiment must include descriptions of quality factors like
performance, testability, correctness, etc. - and descriptions of how you
want to measure the quality
- The Experiment must document the review (see schedule)
- You must compare your solution with the one handed out (see getting
The written report is expected to be around 20 pages pr. group.
Assignment schedule
- Week 41, Thursday 9 October: The assignment is introduced. Start working on the planning, etc.
- Week 42 Autumn holidays all week
- Week 43 Thursday 23 October: A review of architecture must be held between associate
- Week 44 Monday 27 October: A review of the code must be held between associate groups
- Week 44 Wednesday 29 October 14:00: The assignment implementation (Zip'ed
Visual studio solution)
must be mailed to Anders, Jamshid, and Pia {anbo, jaef} +
- Week 44, Friday 31 October 15:00 The assignment documentation and report must be mailed to Anders, Jamshid, and
- Week 45 Friday 7 November The groups will present their
solution and reflections on the work.
- Normal lessons = normal classroom, according to the schedule.
- Some of the groups might like to sit elsewhere in building no 1. Please inform the teacher where you are, if not in the classroom.
Getting started
To get you started you must download a centralized version of the password
Run it - and see how much time it uses running on your computer(s).
The Visual Studio project includes a dictionary.
You are allowed to try other dictionaries.
Password file
The Visual Studio project includes a password file. Each line in the file contains
username + encrypted password.
The encrypted passwords are encoded using BASE64 encoding to make them into
text strings storeable in a text file.