Exercise: Comparing objects

In this exercise you will try the interfaces

These interfaces are most important in sorting, etc.

Getting started

Create a new Solution in Visual Studio. Name the Solution "ComparingObjects".

Model class: Teacher

Create a new class Teacher with properties:


The Teacher class must implement the interface IComparable<Teacher>. The CompareTo(Teacher other) should use the Id property to compare Teacher objects.
Hint: return this.Id - other.Id
This is known as the "minus trick". It works because CompareTo must return an integer, but only the sign of the integer really matters:

Unit test

Unit test this class, specially the CompareTo(...) methods (from the IComparable<Teacher> interface).

Sorting lists

In the Main method create a List<Teacher> and add at least 3 teacher objects to the list.

Write the list to the screen.

Sort the list by calling the method List.Sort().

Write the list to the screen, and see that it is now sorted by Id: Sort used Teacher.CompareTo(...) while sorting.


The next step is to sort the list of Teachers by Name.

Of course you can change the Teacher.CompareTo(...) method to compare by Name, but that is not what I want: I want to keep CompareTo(...) as is is and then make another method. However, you cannot make another CompareTo(Teacher t) in the class Teacher {you cannot have two methods with the same signature in a single class}.

Create a new class TeacherNameComparer.

IComparer<Teacher> has a single method

Implement this method without if statements.
Hint: return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)

The class TeacherNameComparer should NOT be public.
Instead you should make a static field in the Teacher class

Benefits, over a public class

Unit test

Unit test the TeacherNameComparer (using the static field NameComparer)

Sorting lists 2

In the Main method sort the list of Teacher objecs by name

Write the list to the screen, and see that the list is now sorted by name.

Refactoring: Moving TeacherNameComparer closer to the Teacher class

I would be nice if we could move the TeacherNameComparer into the Teacher class ...

We only need to add two features to the Teacher class

Just two lines:

Refactor Main (the latest call to Sort) to use the property NameComparer.

Extra: Multi-comparer

Now you have to make yet another class TeacherNameSalaryComparer. It must compare by

  1. Name
  2. Salary

If two teachers have the same Name, the Salary should be used for a second-level compare.

Now you are allowed to use an if statement (but only ONE) in the CompareTo(...) method.

  1. Make the class
  2. Unit test
  3. Try with Sort in main {you may have to add more Teacher objects with the same name, but different salaries}
  4. Moved into Teacher class {as you did with TeacherNameComparer}

Extra: Generic Reverse Comparer

Sometimes we want to do a reverse sort, for example sort the Teacher by Id starting with the highest Id.

Of course we could define yet another Comparator class, but it would be nicer if we could program a generice ReverseComparator class ...

  1. With inspiration from James Hare: C#/.NET Toolbox: Generic Reversing Compares make a class ReverseComparer<T>
  2. Unit test the class
  3. Try the class with Sort(...) in your Main method

Extra: Comparing by salary

As TeacherNameComparer, but now you want to compare teachers by Salary.