Exercise: LayeredLibrary needs more features
This exercise is about adding more features to the LayeredLibrary.
The aspects listed below can be done in any order - your choice.
Model interface
The model classes (at the moment there is only Book) should be exposed only through an interface.
- Extra an interface (named IBook).
- Use IBook (not Book) whereever possble in other classes.
- Make the Book class non-public.
Bigger library: More GUI etc.
We should be able to do CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) on books.
Bigger library: More model classes
We need more model classes (and interfaces) + GUI to handle it.
- Borrower
- Loan
- Reservation
- others?
More implementations of the interface IDataAccessObject
- Getting data SQL database of your choice
- Getting data from a server using plain socket, web services, or ...