Week |
Date |
Topics |
Readings |
Exercises |
5 |
28.01 |
- Introduction to the course
- Oracle installation
- Entity-relationship modelling
- The relational model
- Data analysis using Entity-Relationship (ER) diagramming Powerpoint | Figures
- Example: E-R diagram for Hotel managenent
- Elmasri & Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, chapter 3 Data Modelling Using the Enity-Relationship (ER) Model, page 57-69 + 79-91
- The relational model (Powerpoint)
- Elmasri & Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Chapter 5 The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints, page 141-162
- ER to relational model mapping (Powerpoint)
- Elmasri & Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Chapter 7 Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping, page 217-225
- Extra: My favorite book on data analysis (in Danish)
Huber, Christiansen & Klitgaard: Informations-analyse 2nd edition, Teknisk
Forlag 1996, 255 pages.
try http://bibliotek.dk/ and
have the book delivered to a library of your choice
- Make an ER-diagram of the data behind the web site http://www.amazon.co.uk/ (focus on books)
- Map your ER-diagram to a relational model.
- Check that each of your relations is properly normalized
- Download and install Oracle 11g Express edition
This version + edition should be able to squeze into your laptop.
- Download and install Oracle SQL Developer.
Graphical user interface for Oracle.
6 |
04.02 |
- Functional dependencies and normalization (Powerpoint)
- Elmasri & Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, Chapter 10 Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases, page 325-339 + 345-361
- Oracle SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) (Powerpoint)
- Oracle user administration
- Oracle auto numbering = sequence + before insert trigger
- Create the tables for your Amazon database
Use suitable data type.
Tables must have a primary key (int ID)
Use foreign keys
Use unique and check constraints where necessary
6 |
11.02 |
- Oracle DML
- Views + materialized views
- Triggers
- Insert some data into your Amazon tables.
- Make some interesting Select statements, including
selects on a single table, with and without functions
- Make a few views
Use the views in Select statements
Are the views updatable: Try to insert and update data through the views
8 |
18.02 |
- No Database lessons this week
9 |
25.02 |
10 |
04.03 |
- Your solution to mandatory assignment 1 must presented to me.
11 |
11.03 |
- Introduction to MongoDB
- MongoDB installation
- MongoDB introduction (Powerpoint)
- MongoDB documementation
12 |
18.03 |
- Introduction to MongoDB, continued
- Using MongoDB from C#
13 |
25.03 |
- NoSQL introduction
- Distributed databases
- Individual project: What do you want to do? Mail your project idea to me, not later than today!
14 |
15 |
08.04 |
- No Database lessons this week
16 |
15.04 |
- Your solution to mandatory assignment 2 must presented to me.
17 - 18 |
20.04-30.04 |
Time to finish your Systems Development project |
19 - 23 |
04.05 - 04.06 |
- Project: Specialization in ONE of your electives
- The report must be handed in no later than Thursday 4 June 2015
June |
Summer |