4th semester elective: Specialization

This paper describes the specializations at the AP Degree in Computer Science at Roskilde Business School, Autumn 2014.

These education guidelines is an Appendix to general Curriculum for Computer Science (AP), as defined by Roskilde Business School.

The individual elective specialization follows three introductory modules:


The elective specialization is an individual work in a self chosen subject. The subject should fit in with (one of) the introduction modules. In any case the subject should be approved by the teacher.

The idea is: you pick a subject and go deep into this by reading literature from books, from the internet, making comparisons, get practical experience or something like that.

Schedule for the work all the way to the delivery

  Week 25-46 Think of possible subjects and note any ideas for a synopsis.
  Week 47-51 Individual work
Individual coaching of the subject.

Handing in

The synopsis must be handed in no later than Thursday 18 December 2014, at 10:00am.

Hand in through Fronter http://www.easj.dk/fronter/

Guidelines in writing Synopsis

By Karen Tambo


There are no strict rules how a synopsis are written. This guidelines are intended as a help for your synopsis, which is the base for your exam.

A synopsis is a summarize of the purpose and substance of your subject.
This is your survey of the contents for the exam, and it should work as your basis for the exam work. It can be compared a little with a project description.

A synopsis should be regarded as a working paper. It can be modified on the way, if you have found out after studying the literature or your work in general, that the main emphasis should be another angle or view of the question, you have worked out in the start of the working period.


What is the topic? Why is it relevant to you?
It is important that you make it clear (before you prepare the synopsis) what you will talk about and which questions you will answer at the exam.
The exam topic must have a clear purpose: A problem - expressed as a question.
Background / Thesis
A short description of your hypothesis and a motivation.
Describe how you want to work with your subject. Which literature, software, etc. you are going to use.

A synopsis should be regarded as a working paper. It can be modified as work progresses.



The synopsis should be 10-15 pages so keep your language simple and straight forward.

Hand in of synopsis

Your synopsis must contain a front page having:

and the text and your literature used in the work.

The Exam

The time schedule for the exam is Monday 19 January 2015.

Examination Curriculum

  1. Curriculum from the two introduction modules

Preparation- and examination period

  1. Examination period: 30 minutes including evaluation and marking.

External examiner and examiner

  1. External examiner: External examiner from another college, a university or the business community.
  2. Examiner: The teacher who supervised the work on the synopsis.

Before the exam

  1. After the module period:
    1. The student defines an examination question within the frames of the subject.
    2. The examiner acknowledges the question as an examination question. 
    3. The student prepares a synopsis [10-15 pages] (using supplementary literature) for the defense of the examination question.
  2. Education and Examination Guidelines, Subject and Project Descriptions, Examination Description,  Curriculum as well as examination schedule are sent to the external examiner.
  3. The completed synopsis are sent to external examiner and examiner at least 7 days before the examination day.

Permitted resources

  1. All resources are permitted.

Course of the exam

  1. The student answers the examination question from the synopsis
  2. Discussion about the synopsis and presentation (answers to questions).
  3. The student is given one single mark, based on the written synopsis (app. weighting 35%) the oral presentation and examination (app. weighting 65%).
  4. If the student leaves the impression of not being familiar with the content of the synopsis, the marking may be based on a mark of  −3 or 00 for the synopsis.

In the student's presentation of the question, values are placed upon

  1. That the question is answered satisfactorily.
  2. That the student can give examples from, and relate theory to, the subject.
  3. That the student demonstrates independent skills to define and study a problem domain, to delimit the domain and present the domain within a given limited time period.


Copying other people's work without proper reference is not allowed and may lead to exclusion from the exam.

However, you are allowed to quote other people's work if you clearly show what was quoted (and what is your own work) and give a proper reference to quoted work: