Exercise: User interfaces, View presentations
In this exercise you must present a user interface component in theory and practice.
The exercise must be done in small groups. Each group will get a few components to present.
Some relevant questions to research
- How to use the components?
Give one or more examples, including relevant event listeners.
- When (not) to use the components?
Give some examples on when it is relevant to use the components,
and maybe some examples where we should avoid using the component.
- TextView (different font sizes) + EditText (including the android:inputType attribute + hint attribute) + AutoCompleteTextView
EditText: include the android:ime options and more
- Button + ImageButton + CheckBox + ToggleButton + Switch + FloatingActionButton (in Android Studion create a Basic Activity)
- RadioButton + RadioGroup + Spinner + NumberPicker
- ProgressBar + Seekbar + RatingBar
Android Studio, make a new project with a LoginActivity. It uses ProgressBar
- ImageView + WebView + VideoView
Use the external library Picasso to show pictures. Example
- Anything with Date + Time + Calendar
Specially TimePickerDialog and DatePickerDialog
- SnackBar vs. Toast
- LiniearLayout, vertical and horizontal, including scrolling
Including LinearLayouts nested inside each other
- TableLayout, GridLayout
- ConstraintLayout
Finding information on the views
There are several places where you can find information on the views,