Exercise: Layout presentations
In this exercise you must present a layout in theory and practice.
The exercise must be done in small groups. Each group will get one view to
Some relevant questions
- How to configure the view in the layout XML file? Show some relevant XML
attributes and sub-elements.
- How to make the layout XML file? Use both Graphical Layout
and pure XML.
- Which other layouts can be used as "sub"-layouts or "super"-layouts?
- How to use the view when the display orientation changes?
Is it necessary / nice to make two layout XML files, one for portrait and
another one for landscape orientation?
Layouts, etc.
- LinearLayout, vertical + horizontal
- RelativeLayout
- FrameLayout + ViewFlipper
- TableLayout
- AbsoluteLayout: Deprecated, but let's have a look at it anyway
- ScrollView + HorizontalScrollView
- GridLayout and/or GridView
- TabHost
- Menus (not really a layout ...)
- Sliding menu (aka. Navigation Drawer): Android Studio can help you make a Navigation Drawer Activity.
- Action bar
Finding information on the views
There are several places where you can find information on the views,