Exercise: Layout presentations

In this exercise you must present a layout in theory and practice.

The exercise must be done in small groups. Each group will get one view to present.

Some relevant questions

  1. How to configure the view in the layout XML file? Show some relevant XML attributes and sub-elements.
  2. How to make the layout XML file? Use both Graphical Layout and pure XML.
  3. Which other layouts can be used as "sub"-layouts or "super"-layouts?
  4. How to use the view when the display orientation changes?
    Is it necessary / nice to make two layout XML files, one for portrait and another one for landscape orientation?

Layouts, etc.

  1. LinearLayout, vertical + horizontal
  2. RelativeLayout
  3. FrameLayout + ViewFlipper
  4. TableLayout
  5. AbsoluteLayout: Deprecated, but let's have a look at it anyway
  6. ScrollView + HorizontalScrollView
  7. GridLayout and/or GridView
  8. TabHost
  9. Menus (not really a layout ...)
  10. Sliding menu (aka. Navigation Drawer): Android Studio can help you make a Navigation Drawer Activity.
  11. Action bar

Finding information on the views

There are several places where you can find information on the views, including