Exercise: Intents, personal information

In this exercise you are going to make an application which requires some personal information from the user.

When the user presses the "OK" button, he is send to another activity

Pressing the "Send" button the user is send back to the first activity

A little help

GUI components visibility

TextViews (and other GUI components) can be hidden (fragment from main.xml)

        android:visibility="gone" />
And made visible on your command (Java code fragment)
	final TextView addressView =  findViewById(R.id.textViewAddress);

Adding data to the returning intent - and reading it

Code fragments from secondary activity: putting the data into the returning intent

	public static final String NAME = "name";
	Intent data = new Intent();
	EditText nameField = findViewById(R.id.name);
	data.putExtra(NAME, nameField.getText().toString());

Code fragment from main activity: reading the data

	String name = data.getStringExtra(PersonalInfoActivity.NAME);
	nameView.setText("Name: " + name);

Experiment: Make the child activity look like a dialog

Try to make the child activity look like a dialog.

Open the Manifest file and add an attribute to the <activity ...> element


Make sure your activity extends the class Activity directly, not some subclass of Activity, like AppCo...Activity.