Exercise: User interfaces, View presentations

In this exercise you must present a user interface component in theory and practice.

The exercise must be done in small groups. Each group will get a few components to present.

Some relevant questions to research

  1. How to use the components?
    Give one or more examples, including relevant event listeners.
  2. When (not) to use the components?
    Give some examples on when it is relevant to use the components,
    and maybe some examples where we should avoid using the component.


  1. TextView (different font sizes) + EditText (including the android:inputType attribute + hint attribute) + AutoCompleteTextView
    EditText: include the android:ime options and more
  2. Button + ImageButton + CheckBox + ToggleButton + Switch + FloatingActionButton (in Android Studion create a Basic Activity)
  3. RadioButton + RadioGroup + Spinner + NumberPicker
  4. ProgressBar + Seekbar + RatingBar
    Progressbar: Android Studio, make a new project with a LoginActivity. It uses ProgressBar
  5. ImageView + WebView + VideoView
    Use the external library Picasso to show pictures. Example
  6. Anything with Date + Time + Calendar
    Specially TimePickerDialog and DatePickerDialog
  7. SnackBar vs. Toast
  8. LiniearLayout, vertical and horizontal, including scrolling
    Including LinearLayouts nested inside each other
  9. TableLayout, GridLayout
  10. ConstraintLayout

Finding information on the views

There are several places where you can find information on the views, including